what is the appeal to pbass?


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Feb 28, 2009
where i dont wanna be
cj (callen) is the reason I want to get back into cichla, it just took one look at his orinos, now everytime I go to his house I want em even more


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jan 22, 2010
Buffalo, NY
Where I work, we have a 16x4' 2000g aquarium with PBass, Silver Arowanas, RTCs, a TSN and a Ripsaw catfish. The Pbass are 24". They aren't really my kind of fish, but if you have the space (I'd say at least 8x3) these guys really are one of the ultimate pursuit predators. Unlike most other fish that give up on a fish they can't catch, PBass rarely stop trying to eat the fish until they realize it's too large or until the fish disappears. As for personality, they do have personality, but so do the RTCs, Arowanas and Ripsaw cat. All of these fish come up to the front and beg for food when people walk by.

The only outstanding personality traits I've witnessed in Pbass, is that their eating style makes them an excellent teacher fish and they act like a cichlid, but are harmless to anything they can't eat. They are an interactive fish, but most big fish (especially cichlids) are.

Forgive me for sounding rude, but I think the reason a lot of Pbass keepers like Pbass' personality so much, is because they haven't had a lot of experience with other large fish that they raised for years. Pbass do act like dogs, but so do A LOT of other fish.

a1c Rezentes

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Apr 10, 2011
yes they act in a way that shows a level of intelligence that i once thought fish to be incapible, seriously impressive imo . not saying that other large fish dont show similar characteristics but do they look as BAD A## while doing it :drool: hahaha


MFK Member
May 7, 2011
Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, one man meat is another man poison, not many ppl will apreciate the PBs beauty. Hobbyist's Showcase often change others mindset and opinion which will influence them in later part.


MFK Member
Jan 16, 2010
Mmmmmm, if you have to ask after seeing an adult, well then yeah there just not for you. Tim your Bass look awesome.

I have yet to have someone see my bass tank and go "ho hummmm." Its more like "holy cr.p those are awesome" then I feed them and their jaw hits the ground. In the words of the immortal Tank Dempsey, " Simply.................badass." spoken in a deep raspy USMC tone.

Maybe the better response is why own discus? I mean they're not really good feeders even for a temensis?


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 21, 2009
North Jersey
Why don't you just purchase a few of them first, then decide, or just go play with your Guppies.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Oct 9, 2008
Houston, Texas
cj (callen) is the reason I want to get back into cichla, it just took one look at his orinos, now everytime I go to his house I want em even more
Well what you waiting on homey ?!?!?!? :) Thanks for compliment bro!

why do so many ppl on here have them and like them so much i honestly dont like them i have never had them before and dont plan on it anytime sooom pls dont hate on me cuz i dont like them
:banhim:What forum do you think you're on bro? M.F.K.
Mmmmmm, if you have to ask after seeing an adult, well then yeah there just not for you.
Maybe the better response is why own discus? I mean they're not really good feeders even for a temensis?
Well said Bridgefisher!
Why don't you just purchase a few of them first, then decide, or just go play with your Guppies.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Dec 29, 2008
Stuttgart Germany
There are just so many down here and im used to catching them on rod and reel. I too, dont see what the big hype is about them.
And what kind of fish do you have? I’m sure there not local fish. I love to catch LMB and SMB, but I don’t want to keep them either. For me, they are beautiful fish that I can’t see or catch every day. So I loved keeping them and watching them. Just as people love to keep and watch Oscars, JD's, Pacus, RTC's, TSN's, all types of SA Cichlids, ect. It’s all in what you like and what your personality type is. People with a type "A" personality typically like more aggressive fish (or cars for that matter). But anyhow, to the OP great post, and question!!! I too would like to know why others keep these MONSTERS!!!!


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jun 19, 2006
Datnoid Island
. But anyhow, to the OP great post, and question!!! I too would like to know why others keep these MONSTERS!!!!
Okay how's this for a confession....I've always liked large growing fish and the stores in this area only bring in either monos occels or hybrids of the two.I bought some a few years back before I even joined this forum,back then I was not aware of the other types.So,the ones that I already mentioned,I realized,didn't really appeal to me so I lost interest and got away from them.When I first laid eyes on a nicely colored full grown kelberi I was hooked and have been after them ever since but if it wasn't for the kelberi I doubt I would be into cichla at this time.


MFK Member
Jan 16, 2010
Okay how's this for a confession....I've always liked large growing fish and the stores in this area only bring in either monos occels or hybrids of the two.I bought some a few years back before I even joined this forum,back then I was not aware of the other types.So,the ones that I already mentioned,I realized,didn't really appeal to me so I lost interest and got away from them.When I first laid eyes on a nicely colored full grown kelberi I was hooked and have been after them ever since but if it wasn't for the kelberi I doubt I would be into cichla at this time.
Tear.....hurtful words. My Azul turned over in their tank, lol.