I have breed convicts, but never mixed anything. I'm just wondering whats possible.
Like, can central american cichlids breed with african cichlids? Or South american with north american? Or do you have to keep them within there own continent where they are more likely to be distantly related?
Just so you know, I'm not even sure if this is something I want to do. And if I do I'll be responsible about it. I understand the dangers to the hobby with reckless hybreeding.
Like, can central american cichlids breed with african cichlids? Or South american with north american? Or do you have to keep them within there own continent where they are more likely to be distantly related?
Just so you know, I'm not even sure if this is something I want to do. And if I do I'll be responsible about it. I understand the dangers to the hobby with reckless hybreeding.