Why are motoro stingrays illegal in California? (serious question)


Blue Tier VIP
MFK Member
Aug 5, 2008
North Pole
You can play devil's advocate all you wants but they are banned for a reason whenever if its a threat to the ecosystem or to the public. As I stated before, there are few springs that can allow tropical species survive year-around. Guess what? They survived in springs so they must feeding on something. Not just tilapias but actual tropical fish species. The rest of non-native fish that got introduced in California is actually for fishing purposes, completely different matter from this subject.

As for the dogs, it's easy to ban FW rays than to ban dogs just like it's easy to ban snakeheads than to ban goldfish.

Im guessing that you were just venting out that your favorite fish got banned in your state. Guess what. So are other fish species such as gars, pikes, snakeheads, walking catfish, arowanas and piranhas got banned in other states too. It takes an idiot to ruin the aquarium hobby for us and you can blame on that idiot.


Blue Tier VIP
MFK Member
Aug 5, 2008
North Pole
Just for your record, California is most restricted state with fishkeeping laws so it's not just FW rays but other fish species included the harmless pink glofish.


MFK Member
May 6, 2012
Over there
Do you really believe motoro stingrays can establish themselves in California waters? Really, really really? I don't mean to come across as mocking but do you really believe that? Last time I checked the most "tropical" fish that exist in CA waters have been a couple species of tilapia, which are completely different animals and tolerate a wide range of water conditions. There's a reason why CA invasives are mostly temperate and coldwater species (carp, bass, bullhead,

Dogs pose a public health threat. Just saying! How many dogs kill people every year, and how many motoros kill people every year? I guess we should ban dogs too?

Cold is a subjective term. It's not warm enough in almost all areas of california, except what the Salton sea, which is already filled with invasives and salinization and bound to be doomed anyway.
And as for springs...what the heck could a motoro possibly eat to survive in a spring? Most hot springs are managed either way, there's no way a motoro will establish itself in such a body of water.

And let's play devil's advocate and pretend for a minute that motoros could establish themselves in Californian waters. Guess what, so could just about every other fish in that case. From goldfish to oscars to virtually any cichlid. Even any freshwater catfish-none of which are native to California, and all of these could cause HUGE problems for the environment. I guess the rest of the fish are on their way to the banlist, and some people don't care until it's their favorite pet that gets banned.
Damn homie. If you want a ray that badly, we can still keep sw rays legally. If you really want a fw ray though, you can either move somewhere where it's legal or keep it illegally. I'm not saying to illegally keep 1 though.

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Fire Eel
MFK Member
May 28, 2007
You can play devil's advocate all you wants but they are banned for a reason whenever if its a threat to the ecosystem or to the public. As I stated before, there are few springs that can allow tropical species survive year-around. Guess what? They survived in springs so they must feeding on something. Not just tilapias but actual tropical fish species. The rest of non-native fish that got introduced in California is actually for fishing purposes, completely different matter from this subject.

As for the dogs, it's easy to ban FW rays than to ban dogs just like it's easy to ban snakeheads than to ban goldfish.

Im guessing that you were just venting out that your favorite fish got banned in your state. Guess what. So are other fish species such as gars, pikes, snakeheads, walking catfish, arowanas and piranhas got banned in other states too. It takes an idiot to ruin the aquarium hobby for us and you can blame on that idiot.
So you concede to all my arguments against your previous illogical post, I take it since you didn't respond to them. Like when you said motoros "posed a threat to public health". And you keep claiming motoros survived (not even established) in some hot springs in California, can you provide evidence for that, or are you just making it up?
The rest of non-native fish that got introduced in California is actually for fishing purposes, completely different matter from this subject.
Okay....so that means they weren't introduced from aquaria, therefore there is no risk in allowing people to keep potamotrygon as pets.

So are other fish species such as gars, pikes, snakeheads, walking catfish, arowanas and piranhas got banned in other states too. It takes an idiot to ruin the aquarium hobby for us and you can blame on that idiot.
Some of those are based off of valid reasoning-snakeheads and walking catfish have established themselves in Florida. Motoros in California, that's pretty far fetched. I agree that it takes an idiot to ruin it. But it's time for fish keepers to wake up and realize what our government is doing totalitarianistic. What about all the cats that have driven native birds to extinction? Nobody bats an eye and comes up with excuses as long as it's cute and fuzzy wuzzy right? But the moment it has scales, it is to be demonized and feared.

Just for your record, California is most restricted state with fishkeeping laws so it's not just FW rays but other fish species included the harmless pink glofish.
Preaching to the choir bud! I know have lunatics making the laws there, it's unfortunate.

Damn homie. If you want a ray that badly, we can still keep sw rays legally. If you really want a fw ray though, you can either move somewhere where it's legal or keep it illegally. I'm not saying to illegally keep 1 though.

Sent from my iPhone using MonsterAquariaNetwork app
Yeah bro, but I've never even been into stingrays and I don't have the desire to keep one right now. I'm bringing this up because it's a moral and legal issue that's affecting fish and reptile owners across the US, things like this go unseen and soon enough they start banning any pet off ridiculous reasons.


Blue Tier VIP
MFK Member
Aug 5, 2008
North Pole
I think this thread is nothing but venting at California laws. Wildlife officials believe that FW rays pose a threat to native wildlife, the agriculture interests of the state or to public health or safety. That is their main reason.


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jun 19, 2006
Datnoid Island
I think so too...as bad as California seems to be when it comes to which fish can and can't be kept it pales in comparison to living in Australia.


Fire Eel
MFK Member
May 28, 2007
o.0 what is needed is to ban several species of reptiles in florida
Yes. The answer is ALWAYS more legal intervention into our lives. Land of the free, home of the regulations.

I think this thread is nothing but venting at California laws. Wildlife officials believe that FW rays pose a threat to native wildlife, the agriculture interests of the state or to public health or safety. That is their main reason.
So basically the awful DFG incorrectly believes that FW rays pose a threat to wildlife, when they actually don't. Just because the government says something, doesn't mean it's right. Shocking?
And what you said about motoros

My goal is to raise awareness and educate people on issues like this. Spread awareness, take action, write your congressmen.
Anybody remember HR669?

I think so too...as bad as California seems to be when it comes to which fish can and can't be kept it pales in comparison to living in Australia.
That sucks man. But look on the bright side, Aussies already have a ton of amazing native wildlife!

My gymnogeophagus have a lot better chance of getting into the water ways lol cali laws are full of bs on a lot more then fish.


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jun 19, 2006
Datnoid Island
That sucks man. But look on the bright side, Aussies already have a ton of amazing native wildlife.
That they can't just go out and collect due to laws and regulation there because their natives are dwindling.