Beneficial Bacteria temperature?

Karl K

MFK Member
Feb 10, 2014
Im cycling a tank right now, just wondering what the fastest temperature is to do that. Right now its at 19 - 22 Degrees, im thinking thats gonna be slower than maybe 25?
Also if i add 50l of used water, and press out a cycled sponge filter, in the tank im cycling (140g) how long would it take before i could add 1 Synodontis Eupterus, 1 Synodontis Hybrid, 1 Synodontis Unidentified, and 1 Frontosa Burundi?


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Jun 2, 2013
In My Aquarium
I do not know what 19-22 CL is compared to 78 to 8oF. AS far as bacteria goes,see if you can get an old sponge filter to use in your filter box or sump and make sure you use a water conditioner to get rid of chlorine or it will kill what ever bacteria you add.the more fish you add the quicker it will cycle but do not do crazy adding fish do it like One or two a week,good luck hope I have helped you out Noel

Karl K

MFK Member
Feb 10, 2014
I do not know what 19-22 CL is compared to 78 to 8oF. AS far as bacteria goes,see if you can get an old sponge filter to use in your filter box or sump and make sure you use a water conditioner to get rid of chlorine or it will kill what ever bacteria you add.the more fish you add the quicker it will cycle but do not do crazy adding fish do it like One or two a week,good luck hope I have helped you out Noel
I have a cycled sponge filter, i could press out in the tank, and i could use like 10 gallons of water from a cycled tank. The filter i will be using is an FX5. 22Celsius is 71F. Ill get the temperature to 26c, or 78F. I'd be happy if i could add the fish after 2 - 3 days of cycling. Im gonna press out the sponge from the sponge filter, in the tank, and use 60l of water from a cycled tank.


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Jun 7, 2007
Isla Taboga Panama via Milwaukee
Beneficial bacteria are sessile, meaning they live on a substrate (gravel, sponges rocks, etc) they do not live in the water column.
So putting old water from a tank does not help in seeding, and I believe using a seasoned sponge, or part of one would probably be more effective than simply squeezing one out.
When I worked for a water distributor, we did analysis of biofilm in our cities water distribution system because we use chlorimine as a disinfectant.
The average temp of our distribution water is between 5'C and 10'C , and the biofilm contained plenty of nitrosomonas and nitrobacter .


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Sep 5, 2011
U won't achieve anything by using water from a cycled tank the bacteria is not in the water, u'd be better off if u add sand or gravel from a cycled tank. Also don't squeeze the sponge from the cycled filter in the tank, just put it inside the FX5 with the new media so the bacteria will spread to the new bio surfaces. Get the tank to the temp ur gonna keep the fish in and use chlorine remover on ur new water. If ur not gonna use chlorine remover, put the water in and leave it sit for a day or two before adding the sand and cycled sponge for the chlorine to dissipate. With a cycled sponge u could add a fish or two in a day or two and slowly add more fish during a time period of two to three weeks and u'll be good.

Karl K

MFK Member
Feb 10, 2014
U won't achieve anything by using water from a cycled tank the bacteria is not in the water, u'd be better off if u add sand or gravel from a cycled tank. Also don't squeeze the sponge from the cycled filter in the tank, just put it inside the FX5 with the new media so the bacteria will spread to the new bio surfaces. Get the tank to the temp ur gonna keep the fish in and use chlorine remover on ur new water. If ur not gonna use chlorine remover, put the water in and leave it sit for a day or two before adding the sand and cycled sponge for the chlorine to dissipate. With a cycled sponge u could add a fish or two in a day or two and slowly add more fish during a time period of two to three weeks and u'll be good.
Ok. How much would adding small rocks, from a cycled tank help?
The sponge filter i could borrow a sponge from has, 2 sponges, so im thinking i can take 1 of them and put inside the FX5 with all the other filter media?
Water from a cycled tank isnt gonna help at all? I could also put 1 sponge in with the filter media, and squeeze the other directly into the water, and put 1 back in the sponge filter, from the other tank.


MFK Member
Mar 17, 2013
the more that you add the better. just make sure you have a small source of ammonia for them to eat. add like one fish a week or so. this will keep the ammonia level managable but persuade the bacteria to multiply.

Karl K

MFK Member
Feb 10, 2014
the more that you add the better. just make sure you have a small source of ammonia for them to eat. add like one fish a week or so. this will keep the ammonia level managable but persuade the bacteria to multiply.
Yeh ok, So i will add my Frontosa Burundi, the first week, then the next week another Synodontis Catfish, then the next week another Synodontis Catfish, then the next week, another Synodontis Catfish.
Then i will wait like 2 weeks, and add 2 - 3 new Frontosa Burundis.

Karl K

MFK Member
Feb 10, 2014
how big are these things btw?
The fish? Frontosa Burundi is about 15cm, maybe a little smaller, maybe a little bigger. The Synodontis Hybrid is about 15 - 20cm. The Eupterus is about 15 - 20cm too, and the Unidentified one is about 10 - 15cm.