Feeder Fish
Hi All,
I recently purchased a 40 gallon tank and it is close to being cycled. There are a lot of plants and open-ended pots for plenty of shelter. I am interested n stocking the tank with South American and Central American cichlids. Specifically, I am interested in firemouths, electric blue acaras, convicts, and electric blue jack dempseys. I have heard that convicts are very aggressive, but females are less so, so I am considering getting a female convict. Further, I heard that firemouths can be quite aggressive without any partners, so I may consider getting two. I am somewhat worried about the size of an electric blue jack dempsey, but someone at a local fish store said that they rarely get more than 5 inches and not to worry (not sure if I believe that though). Also, I am considering getting some dither fish to keep the tank busy, at least until the cichlids reach near full size, and then possibly return them. And, am considering getting a pleco.
Are the above cichlids compatible, and would getting each of them be okay for a 40 gallon? If I get the firemouth, should I get two? And what would be some good dither fish? Any alternate stocking options? I prefer the electric blue acara and electric blue jack dempsey above the convict and firemouth, if the full set is not compatible. If there are any other cichlids in addition to the set, I'd love to hear about them!
Thanks in advance for any advice.
I recently purchased a 40 gallon tank and it is close to being cycled. There are a lot of plants and open-ended pots for plenty of shelter. I am interested n stocking the tank with South American and Central American cichlids. Specifically, I am interested in firemouths, electric blue acaras, convicts, and electric blue jack dempseys. I have heard that convicts are very aggressive, but females are less so, so I am considering getting a female convict. Further, I heard that firemouths can be quite aggressive without any partners, so I may consider getting two. I am somewhat worried about the size of an electric blue jack dempsey, but someone at a local fish store said that they rarely get more than 5 inches and not to worry (not sure if I believe that though). Also, I am considering getting some dither fish to keep the tank busy, at least until the cichlids reach near full size, and then possibly return them. And, am considering getting a pleco.
Are the above cichlids compatible, and would getting each of them be okay for a 40 gallon? If I get the firemouth, should I get two? And what would be some good dither fish? Any alternate stocking options? I prefer the electric blue acara and electric blue jack dempsey above the convict and firemouth, if the full set is not compatible. If there are any other cichlids in addition to the set, I'd love to hear about them!
Thanks in advance for any advice.