How has the coronavirus affected your personal life?

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Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Jun 4, 2020
Ulu Ulu Actually most of the kids I go to school with are all pretty good with covid rules of course their is the occasional hot head who thinks they are too "cool" to wear a mask but for the most part its fine I try my best and most of my peers do to


Probation Member
Probation Member
MFK Member
May 16, 2011
The trick is that the immune system keep a record of that particular virus and can ramp up protection with new antibodies for that virus quickly.
Hello; I thought of a couple more things. One is the way the tests work and the other is about why getting a positive second teat after already having been infected earlier is not so bad.
Here I am on shaky ground a bit so will up front acknowledge there may be holes in my understanding. I am not for sure but think the tests recognize the virus by the outer set of spikes of the virus. ( there are a number of different test so likely not all work the same) If you are infected the test will give a positive from finding intact virus. However I suspect it is possible, based on results from testing surfaces, that at least some of the tests can pick up on fragments of the virus and perhaps seven dead virus remains. I cannot support but can imagine how a person who is essentially immune from further infection might have some virus around which would show up on a test.

The second thing is the question of how a previously infected and recovered person might test positive later on. Here again is where my ideals may have holes in them. When I say a person is immune that does not mean that person cannot somehow get active virus in or on the body. Say you were in a room with someone shedding a lot of virus and breathed in some of that virus. Yes you would have virus in the mucus lining of the nose and that may give a positive test but you are not sick again.
Here is another perhaps faulty scenario. Say some months ago you were sick from the virus, then recovered and later were exposed to another load of the virus. Here is where I am not sure. My guess is the immune response is very much quicker the second time around to the point of reacting fast enough so you will not feel ill at all, but perhaps some of your body cells do get invaded before the immune system responds. The second time around the immune response is quick but not immediate. A guess is where it may take two weeks to get a good immune response the first time, it may only take hours the second time.


Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Apr 6, 2018
That catch covid twice thing has been completely debunked. The odds of catching it twice are one in millions. We have an immune system crafted by evolution, there is nothing magical about this virus that makes it so different from any other disease. If you could catch it twice than a vaccine would not do anything. People already had some t cell immunity from other coronaviruses plus the amount of people that have caught it means you dont need anywhere near 80% of the population to receive this mRNA vaccine to get herd immunity.
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Staff member
MFK Member
Jan 14, 2016
South Africa
That catch covid twice thing has been completely debunked. The odds of catching it twice are one in millions. We have an immune system crafted by evolution, there is nothing magical about this virus that makes it so different from any other disease. If you could catch it twice than a vaccine would not do anything. People already had some t cell immunity from other coronaviruses plus the amount of people that have caught it means you dont need anywhere near 80% of the population to receive this mRNA vaccine to get herd immunity.
I'd love to read on this, got any sources?

Apparently people who have recovered can still shed viral DNA for some time after rhe fact, up to 120 days is mentioned here. So even if you've had it and are likely resistant or immune, there is still good reason to wear a mask around other people.


MFK Member
Mar 2, 2017
New Zealand
As soon as parents insist on masks, the teen kids will toss them.
That's how teenage kids think.

So family-to-family transmission is highly likely.
But far more people have had covid than we know, because our data collection is pitiful.
It never covers cases unreported or unrecognized.

And "unrecognized" is the key, Since most cases are similar to a cold in people with normal immune situations, many folks who have/had covi9-19 won't ever know.
Given here we also managed to cut flu cases by 99.9%, I suspect the number of colds have also dropped dramatically. Hopefully the same can be said for the US, at least some slight decrease.
And when covid is running nearly uncontrolled through the population it's irresponsible to assume anything is just a cold.
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Probation Member
Probation Member
MFK Member
May 16, 2011
people who have recovered can still shed viral DNA for some time after rhe fact, up to 120 days is mentioned here.
Hello; That article a few words later also states it is not known if the shed genetic material is infectious. Again I think of the various things about the tests for active virus that have been published over time. One that comes to mind is the series of reports for a time about how the virus could be found on surfaces for many days in some cases. Now , if memory serves, the current verdict is we do not have to wash down or sanitize surfaces such as groceries like we were doing early on. That the tests were giving positive results from surfaces was not an indicator of the virus particles being able to cause an infection. There have been reports of people having both a positive covid19 test one day and within the next day or so having a negative test. I fully admit that my having a Biology degree and having taught AP Biology does not make an expert. This is the sort of detail beyond my knowledge.
While the notion that the previously infected will be shedding active virus for four months does not sound right, I cannot from my living room prove it false. It just does not seem correct. If it is correct then neither a vaccine nor wearing the low effeciency masks available to us will make a difference. We would have millions of previously infected shedding virus virus for so long to make avoiding infection very hard. They are still talking about many weeks to months before the new vaccines will be available to most. Already there is a caution out for one vaccine due to allergic reactions form some people. Odds are there can be other glitches or unknowns with these new process vaccines made in ways not used before.

If you could catch it twice than a vaccine would not do anything.
Hello; Yes to this. A vaccine works pretty much the same way the actual virus does with regard to how it starts an immune response in a body.

there is nothing magical about this virus that makes it so different from any other disease
Hello; I may have missed it in the details of reports about second infections but best I can recall those testing positive after already having the covid19 do not get sick. I cannot naysay the notion of shedding virus for some time after an illness as I just do not have the capacity to test this myself. Perhaps like the positive tests for virus on surfaces this will also be resolved with time. I recall back during one of the Ebola outbreaks how the Ebola virus was found in the eyes of some recovered for a time after. Unfortunately I have not seen a follow up on the Ebola report as to if those still having some virus detected were in fact still infectious.


MFK Member
Dec 13, 2018
The Sunny San Joaquin
Given here we also managed to cut flu cases by 99.9%, I suspect the number of colds have also dropped dramatically. Hopefully the same can be said for the US, at least some slight decrease.
And when covid is running nearly uncontrolled through the population it's irresponsible to assume anything is just a cold.
I don't trust a single number from the press at this point. I don't trust a single number from the government either. Too many competing agendas are influencing the reports at every level. There are $billions involved....

It's unwise to assume that every sniffle needs a test, but all sick people should be tested. Unfortunately, it's difficult to get tested. You must go and wait in places where sick people go 24/7/365. I avoid those places like the plague.

For several days I had some common covid symptoms. (And I have other common health issues not related to covid.)

To get a test I have to go and wait. I did/do not feel like going out, and I did not have the patience/desire to wait in line at the emergency room. I could go to the county drive-thru, and wait in line with idling cars, but I didn't want to breathe the smog.

So you can all assume I've got it if you like.


Probation Member
Probation Member
MFK Member
May 16, 2011
I don't trust a single number from the press at this point. I don't trust a single number from the government either. Too many competing agendas are influencing the reports at every level. There are $billions involved....
It's unwise to assume that every sniffle needs a test, but all sick people should be tested. Unfortunately, it's difficult to get tested. You must go and wait in places where sick people go 24/7/365. I avoid those places like the plague.
Hello; Yes to these two comments. Lots of money involved with this pandemic. Even back early on when some clinical treatments were proving useful by some doctors using fairly inexpensive drugs there became a big push to not use it ( the malaria) drug. I saw several doctors who treated patients with the malaria drug on the news telling how it helped if given early. The main trial that refuted the effectiveness of that drug used it on already very sick people ( I made a sunblock analogy a while back.) The other thing that did not compute was a cry out about bad side effects. That drug has been in use for around 60 years so the side effects are well known. We here in our houses have to wade thru too many conflicting stories.

Hello; even before this pandemic I avoided hospitals and DR offices if I could. I have not tried to be tested for the active infection so did not know about all the hoops to jump thru.

Hello; Back to the mask question. It is not the mask wearing that is the real big problem. I can manage to wear a mask even tho the ones I can buy are not very effective. I do wear a mask when in stores and will until I get a positive antibody test. Along with the masks come lockdowns and other such. Once I have proven antibodies I do not plan to continue to wear a mask. Well, at least until a new mutated strain shows up.


Probation Member
Probation Member
MFK Member
May 16, 2011
Why face masks are still needed if you get a Covid-19 vaccine (

Hello; Just found and read the above link. Some of the comments seem to be at cross purposes. I am not sure if my reading for understanding is at fault or some other aspect does not add up. If I read correctly it may have been implied in one portion that the vaccine may only prevent a more serious infection while in another portion seemed to state the vaccine will get rid of the virus.
I get that the day you take a vaccine you are still not yet protected. It will take a few days for your body to ramp up a proper immune response. So maybe two weeks after the second dose of this first vaccine is taken you should have immunity. Later vaccines are reported to work in one dose.

I guess I still need to find out why after the immune response is fully developed, that we ought to continue to wear a mask. I also noted in the story that no mention was made about those who had the virus and are recovered and the mask wearing.


MFK Member
Dec 13, 2018
The Sunny San Joaquin
I saw that folks with certain allergies are having bad reactions to the new vaccine in the UK. I knew some folks would.
Some will certainly prove less adverse to covid than the vaccine.
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