I think it looks like a...


Silver Tier VIP
MFK Member
Dec 28, 2003
NE Pennsylvania
With the recent discussion about the possibility of a Parachromis fish in another thread being a hybrid, I was wondering if anyone could post either a link or a picture to any other "known" Parachromis hybrids. I've always thought that identifying fish seen in photos as "a dash of this and a splash of that species" much like the cloud game. What you see isn't necessarily the same as the next guy. I am well aware that hybridization of the species does occur...both planned, accidental and in nature. I DON'T believe it as as common as you would believe when you read through some of the various cichlid ID posts.

Natural variation of the species is not only apparent, but more common than you would expect. I don't have the URL, but Willem Heijns made a very interesting post on the Cichlid Room Companion a while back showing the enormous variation in appearance of P. Bifasciatum. I've kept Managuense for close to thirty years. Over that time I have seen fish that had a vast range of color, shape and pattern. My favorite, Jumbo, was fry from a variant of a "regular" manny and a mother that was a gold variant. Different variant....hybrid? The managuense I keep currently from Honduras has an obvious blue coloration along the top of the spine. Collection locale can make a huge impact on the color of the fish. On a recent collecting trip to the Mosquito Coast, a friend of mine collected a manny that was actually GREEN. You only need to take a look at the Carpinte complex to understand this.

The most obvious way to illustrate this is with the P. fredrichsthali that I keep. Here's the F0 fish collected from Rio Escondido, Mexico.


Here's the fish from Rio Danto in Honduras:


A good friend of mine told me he stopped trying to identify fish from pictures on the internet. The task is made more complex with poor photos (lighting, color balance, etc) and the fact that the provenance (where it originated) is never really known.

So...I'm curious and I've been wrong many times before. I know of two pictures that I know for a fact were hybrids. One owned by Mel O'Mera (Managuense/Labiatum) and another that for the life of me I can't remember the common name it was given. Where's the rest?



BC in SK

MFK Member
Jan 27, 2008
I'd have to agree that when it comes to "known" Parachromis hybrids, there are probably not too many.

You have to know who both parents are, and should have some kind of picture, or better yet, video footage, of the parents with fry. A good reason to have evidencde is that even if you own the fish, some people mis-identify the parents. I've seen a few examples of this over th last few years. One example: a claim of a JD X GT cross. When the pictures of the parents were posted on the net, it was simply 2 JD! The owner was unaware that a female JD turns very dark and somehow mistook it for a GT!

When the identity of a fish is unknown, there are all kinds of views as to to what the parents are. Not only the buyer, but the LFS might label a fish as some type of cross, even with out having any real knowledge of who the parents really are.

A jaguar X festae, popularily known as a "manaconda" is one well known cross on the internet. Can't say I have ever seen pictures or video footage giving evidence for this cross....but i beleive it to be what it claims to be. Looks to be what it is suposed to be and is well accepted as being a jag X festae cross. Link to thread with pictures of a "manaconda":

BC in SK

MFK Member
Jan 27, 2008
Here's my hybrid . dovii X festae. I have got lot's of video footage of the parents with fry.
here he is at 1 yr. old threatening with male convict:

At almost 2 yrs. old, a little more bluish and dovii-looking:

Just on a side note, both of these crosses (jag X festae and dovii x festae0 exhibit the spot at the base of the pectorial fin, just like their jag and dovii parent. Noticed this trait on jag and dovii a number of years ago and have been looking at it ever since. just went through a 98 page thread on managuense and could not find an example of a jag with out this trait. It seems to be a fairly consistent trait, so when a fish lacks this trait, it is one reason (amongst others) to question whether, in fact the fish is a jag.

BC in SK

MFK Member
Jan 27, 2008
Here's a link to the jag X dovii.

Certainly looks to be that....then again tough to be certain, with out seeing the parents with fry. IMO the fish does have more resemblence to a dovii, though jag characteristsics do seem to be present. That's one opinion:D On a side note, the fish has the spot at the base of the pectorial fin....like a jag or dovii.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Nov 22, 2009
on a second thought lets say you had a jag-dovii that you bred with a dovii and from that offspring bred with dovii and from that bred with dovii again and so on would this fish appear to be pure dovii?
im trying to test that theory a little bit by breeding my male hybrid rtm x red isletas with my female motaguenes , they have fry right now im just curios to see what they look like i have about 5 growin out right now in a diff tank.. here is some pics to see what characteristics the hybrid has from each parent 2 pics are with flash and the one with the purplish color is his normal color..





Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jan 8, 2007
Rowlett, Tx
As much of a Parachromis fan as I am, I often have trouble identifying certain individuals. There's so many variations that there's not a lot of consistency in their appearance. It can get confusing.

The fish in Aquamojo's pic looks like a Freddy to me.