

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jul 11, 2017
Hi everyone.
New to this site so appoligise if i put this in the wrong area etc. Seems abit confusing to me
I was wondering if someone could help me with stocking. I beleive it it quite heavily over stocked now ( will be in the future)
I have 8 silver dollars, 1 silver arowana, 1 SB flowerhorn, 1 oscar, 2 blood parrots, 2 plecos, a couple corys and 2 golden gourami.
I have two fluval fx6 running so thats some heavy filtration ( i have a 110gal tank)
I just need some help on how over stocked it is and what i should think about moving
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Silver Tier VIP
MFK Member
Aug 6, 2011
Welcome aboard ☺ I agree with Greg if you want to keep the Oscar. I suggest rehomeing the Aro asap unless you can provide a aquarium 8 ×3×3 minimum.
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MFK Member
Nov 1, 2016
Tustin, CA
I agree that you are really overstocked if they aren't all babies, you should rehome the arowana asap or build a bigger tank if it's possible. They really need something like 300+ gallons, no idea why most pet shops never mention that. :(

Anyway I think the stocklist would be ok if you also rehome or move the flowerhorn to it's own tank over 100 gallons too. Unless they are babies that probably won't end well for the oscar/blood parrots in that small of a tank. The blood parrots probably won't pose a threat because of the whole deformed mouth thing and the odd swimming, but they can get up to 10 inches so the tank may be a bit crowded. You would have to do like 2x a week water changes once they are all full grown (remember oscars can get up to 15" when well cared for), keeping nitrates under control might be difficult. Those 2 fx6 should be enough filtration though as long as you keep up on lots of water changes and filter maintenance.

I think the gouramis and cories should be moved into a safer tank, they may get eaten or beat up. You could put them in a smaller one with a bunch of live plants.
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Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jul 11, 2017
Thanks for all of your replies. I understand the tank may become crowded. The boody parrots i beleive have reached their max size due to being kept in a 5gal from birth until about 2 years ago when i rescued them.
I intend to keep the aro, flowerhorn, dollars and possibly the oscar in there, they all seem to get along fine and as fish grow i get that their tollerance may change but as of now they are all great.
The fish you are worried about (flowerhorn, oscar, aro) are all very young and considerablly small right now. FH being about 2". Aro at about 5" and the oscar about 4/5".
I intend to move the parrots to a 300l i have currently with angels in (planning to sell on) along with the corys, a plec and the gourami. Will be heavily planted etc
I also have a goldfish who will be going soon when my nephew gets his own tank in a couple weeks or so ( i know its a cold water fish but seems to live alot better in a 28degree, maybe something to do with living conditions prior to me keeping)
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J. H.

MFK Member
Oct 14, 2016
I agree that you are really overstocked if they aren't all babies, you should rehome the arowana asap or build a bigger tank if it's possible. They really need something like 300+ gallons, no idea why most pet shops never mention that. :(

Anyway I think the stocklist would be ok if you also rehome or move the flowerhorn to it's own tank over 100 gallons too. Unless they are babies that probably won't end well for the oscar/blood parrots in that small of a tank. The blood parrots probably won't pose a threat because of the whole deformed mouth thing and the odd swimming, but they can get up to 10 inches so the tank may be a bit crowded. You would have to do like 2x a week water changes once they are all full grown (remember oscars can get up to 15" when well cared for), keeping nitrates under control might be difficult. Those 2 fx6 should be enough filtration though as long as you keep up on lots of water changes and filter maintenance.

I think the gouramis and cories should be moved into a safer tank, they may get eaten or beat up. You could put them in a smaller one with a bunch of live plants.
I have never seen a blood parrot over five inches. I think you are thinking of king Kong or mammon parrots or something.

To me, your long term plan sounds like it'll work for less than a year, FH get nasty fast. Other than that and the aro's max size,I think you're fine.
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MFK Member
Nov 1, 2016
Tustin, CA
Yeah, maybe I was thinking of kkps, I have soon some bigguns.

Sounds like a solid plan. Good on you for those rescues, blood parrots are great. I think the goldfish should do just fine, 28 would basically just be summer heat for them, just make sure the tank is well oxygenated.

Start recycling cans and selling old junk to help save for that dream tank haha. I would kill someone for a 10 footer. LOL.
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J. H.

MFK Member
Oct 14, 2016
My blood parrot is about 7"
SL or TL? Either way it is a big blood parrot. Congrats. I guess I have heard of and seen pictures of really big ones online but they are common fish and i haven't seen any really big ones face to face.