What kind of Hoplias is this?? Plz help with identification


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Oct 13, 2014
Your fish is definitely a curu unless there's a subspecies that has some differences that we don't know about. Like maybe getting larger. I would have thought yours was quite a bit smaller than 7 inches if I had to guess cause from what I've seen they lose that pattern when larger, or I use other body features such as head size to compare. Yours looks like a small 3-4 inch baby lol. But that can be a variant thing, size can be affected by variants too. Now those larger ones, look curu to me still, with the blunt heads. As mentioned already, curus have been said to reach 30". And they're heavy bodied fish. For some reason no one has kept one long enough it seems and kept up with updates to see if they reach this size in aquaria, the largest one I've read of was 17" when it passed. And it wasn't to old, only a couple years. That one flipped over, to me, has the u shape fold which would also indicate curu, malas even at larger sizes, folds come much closer than that. They look to be curu imo as well. The best way to illustrate the folds is a pic fugupuff has maybe he can post it here, it shows a mala over a australis over a lac. I feel the folds are pretty easy to distinguish apart, and even so lacs and curus look different to confuse with one another and aimaras look different but if that fails they have the opercular membrane to tell apart from others. Malas are said to be a number of undescribed species so that's another conversation, but are still pretty easy to distinguish imo nonetheless. Australis tend to look like malas with the folds being a little bit more spread apart and have a blunt head. As already said wolves are generally solitary. Aimaras are said to be aggressive because in the wild they live in rivers where food isn't so abundant due to the harsh conditions so they keep each other far apart by claiming territories. Curus are supposed to be harder to comm with their cousins in specific compared to their cousins comm with one another, if you get me? Basically curus are more aggressive towards each other and other wolfs in comparison to say a mala being not so aggressive towards other wolves. Fugupuff who keeps different specimens regularly to sell, says he has more trouble with them even compared to aimara. Also lacs have very compressed heads similar to aimara. Sorry I'm answering as I read through on another tab. Like he said pores are another way to distinguish wolves, curus have them in groups where as the rest of the wolves have one at a time. Different so curus tend to have a different varying number of pores on the under jaw. Lacs are said to reach the same sizes as aimara 3-4 feet. Aimaras are easy because of their looks, or as I stated they have the opercular membrane which the other species lack. On amapa variants this may be hard to see but what lac variant gets that dark? We've yet to see one. Curus have different body builds being much stockier than the rest of the wolves imo, their patterns are different from all others, they look different from the other species completely, they're the oddballs of the wolves imo looking completely different. Lacs are generally docile from everything I've read. Aimaras are the most territorial, then it'd depend on the specific specimens for the rest of the species if you ask me. I will look for some pics and see if they show the pores on my mala. Don't think anyone who's kept an aimara has gathered the courage to take them out and take such pictures. You gain a respect for wolves when you keep them, they can inflict serious damage fast without much effort. As for the coloration thing, if you like I can post pictures of different patterns and colorations my curu has that I've gotten pictures of overtime, think it's time I update their thread.. But many variables go into the patterns and coloration of them such as variant, mood, environment, etc. Let me know if you would like me to upload pictures showing the different patterns they may have of the curu and mala. And I will look for the pictures of the under jaws of two malas I had taken. Sorry for the long post, I missed a bit while in school huh? Lol. I'd like to see what DB and Wes think. They've seen lots, and their knowledge exceeds mine.
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MFK Member
Feb 1, 2009
Thank you very much for the detailed answer! Yeah any pictures that could help with distinguishing species would be helpfull i guess.

Do you have a good picture of this opercular membrane? The amapa is just the darkest variant of aimara as far as i know right? Do aimara vary in size in each region like many other big fish in south america?

Lacerdae are extremely rare here in europe (even rarer than aimara, but less pricy, for whatever reasons) nd most of them are not that nice in colouring, but i've hard of lacerdae which get kinda red, and a 3' red-ish hoplias would of course be super ****ing awesome.

kno4te kno4te

Ah ok yeah this drawing clears things up pretty well, but like moe said, i would not like to grab any hoplias this way to take a pic.


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Oct 13, 2014
Thank you very much for the detailed answer! Yeah any pictures that could help with distinguishing species would be helpfull i guess.

Do you have a good picture of this opercular membrane? The amapa is just the darkest variant of aimara as far as i know right? Do aimara vary in size in each region like many other big fish in south america?

Lacerdae are extremely rare here in europe (even rarer than aimara, but less pricy, for whatever reasons) nd most of them are not that nice in colouring, but i've hard of lacerdae which get kinda red, and a 3' red-ish hoplias would of course be super ****ing awesome.

kno4te kno4te

Ah ok yeah this drawing clears things up pretty well, but like moe said, i would not like to grab any hoplias this way to take a pic.
I looked back at the pics I had of those malas and you can't make out the pores sorry about that. But I'm sure if you search hoplias pores on google you'll find some examples. And one of the pictures I will post are off of the pcf, one off of jelly's website, and one off of google and the rest of the whole curu is mine I don't have a picture of him when he's jet black because that's his usual uniform and I like seeing him brown or black and brown, so that's when I take pictures I will try and get one for you. And red lacs I've never heard of, red aimara which would be the tapajos variant I've heard of. And it's said aimara do vary in size from region to region, I couldn't tell you how true this is though. You'd have to go and catch a bunch from each location and get the median sizes to say whether or not the statement holds true. Amapa is the darkest, being a jet black.


MFK Moderator
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MFK Member
Dec 24, 2005
Aimara don't vary in size from different regions. It's likely they are the same size. No ones kept them long enough to tell. Color for sure will different among them .

Amapa has the darkest patterns making them dark in general,especially in dark tanks. Thats from what i remember.


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Oct 13, 2014

The reality is if u can't ID it from looking at it or color variations or whatever. Then the only way is to net it and look at its jaw which no one wants to do.

View attachment 1144966
I was gonna post that pic, you beat me to it lol but this is a curupira's pores image.jpeg
Top fish is the u shape found on aimara, curu, lac, etc. bottom is of mala. image.jpeg
And here's two colors of my curu taken at different times image.png image.png image.png



Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Oct 13, 2014
Aimara don't vary in size from different regions. It's likely they are the same size. No ones kept them long enough to tell. Color for sure will different among them .

Amapa has the darkest patterns making them dark in general,especially in dark tanks. Thats from what i remember.
DB's is jet black and his tank is quite bright


MFK Moderator
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MFK Member
Dec 24, 2005
Be careful moe....I think ur posting more pics you may not want other to see lol. Look at ur 3rd pic from ur tank.