
  1. J

    Any beginner trout?

    Hi all! I am new to the hobby and plan to get a tank later this year, a little on the larger size but it depends on what space I have to work with since I'll be moving houses soon. Can't explain why but I've been very interested in trout (rainbow, brook, blue spotted hill) so I was wondering...
  2. Q

    L27 Xingu Royal Pleco HELP PLZ!!

    It's a long story but please bear with me I need as much help/advice anyone can give for my new baby L27 Xingu Royal Pleco. Yesterday I went to petco to purchase a pleco. I am new to the aquatic world and only had my small 10 gallon tank for a week now. My top dwellers are 3 guppies and 2 red...
  3. F

    1-2 Fish for a 29 Gallon Tank

    I am looking for 1-2 fish that can live in my 29-gallon for its whole life. They don't need to be the same species. Please note I said 1 or 2, I'm not looking for a school. They shouldn't be teeny little fish, looking for something good sized. Needs to be relatively easy to keep, easy to find...
  4. reapertheoscar

    Oscars breed unintentionally

    Okay let me give you a background, I bought 2 albino oscars before Christmas, I got 2 for the price of one, there about 8 to 10 inches long, I noticed they moved gravel and they were vibrating there tails so I thought they were going to breed but I've never had this happen before so it was a...
  5. Mr. Ritter

    How To Train Your Pleco - A Beginner's Guide to Training Fish

    Hello everybody and welcome! Have you ever wondered if or wanted your plecos to do more than rasp glass, eat food, sleep, and poop? Well, maybe not, but its certainly not out of reach for them to do so! I'm Zach, and I've always loved catfish and believed that their is a definite degree of...
  6. D

    I'm New: Please Help Me Stock and Setup My Tank

    I owned a 10 gallon a while ago and got the gist of maintaining aquariums, but never moved onto some of the more moderate-advanced fish. I stalked it with a Pepper Cat, 2 Rainbow Shark, and a few Black Mollies and Sword-tails only to have the Rainbow Sharks bully the Mollies and Sword-tails to...
  7. P

    Opinions on keeping a RBP

    I have a cycled 29 gallon tank atmo, it has fake plants, rocks, natural gravel etc and has open spaces as well as shaded areas. The filter is a penguin 200b, which a strong filter for this tank, and filters lots of water. I have lots of experience keeping other freshwater fish, and currently...
  8. Nativefishkeeper904

    What should I do with my convict fry once they hatch?

    A pair of my convict cichlids just recently laid some eggs in my aquarium... What should I do with the fry when they hatch? I definitely can't keep them all. Any ideas or advice? Thanks :)
  9. M

    Peacock cichlid stocking help? 44 gal.

    Hi guys, so im currently setting up my first cichlid tank- its a big step up from guppies and platys, but im think im ready! I've just been figuring out exact ammounts of fish for the tank. The tank itself is 4 feet long, holds 44 gal (It was made in AU so i think thats why its a weird amount)...
  10. M

    First time cichlid tank cycling help?

    Hi guys, im getting my first tank very soon- a 37 gallon, and i need some help with cycling this bad boy, i have written down a step by step progress on what i think i might do, but could you guys check it over and see any points of concern? The stocking list is as follows: 1 male albino...