Eye biter or other suggestions


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Sep 1, 2017
Hi I am in need of some help. I have an aggressive blood parrot, 7 in female. She won't stop harassing a red peacock cichlid I have. There is a 5 inch black convict in the tank, yes I know about the pH differences and it's a bad idea and stuff but they do completely fine together. The blood parrot on the other hand I've had to place in another tank in order to keep her from terrorizing this fish. I would like to get another type of bright colored cichlid to get the blood parrot to distribute the aggression evenly amongst everyone. I saw this nice eye biter at the fish store. It is about the same length as the peacock and bp. My only concern is the eye biters mouth, I know they are very large. I have a 6 inch bichir in there as well and was wondering if the eye biter may find him as a treat. Will the bichir fit into his mouth? Will the eye biter maybe help with this situation? I you have other types of cichlid recommendations please feel free to tell me. This is a 40 gallon breeder tank.


Gold Tier VIP
MFK Member
May 9, 2007
Northwest Canada
Your tank is too small for the fish, hence the main reason for the hyper aggression. My 9" female BP/KKP rules a 125 gallon, and would make mince meat out of most Africans, even larger haps. She dominates a 9-10" H. carpintis male, a very hardy species, and almost killed him prior to initially pairing off. Adding an "eye biter" which I assume what you are referring to being a Dimidiochromis compressiceps, is not going to make your current situation any better. You may have to part with the BP, or start planning for a larger tank. Good luck


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
Wow, 40 gallons...agree with the others, waaay too small, especially with a super aggressive parrot. I too have a 'hyper' female that has her own tank...225 gallons wasn't enough turf but I love her anyway! Some are just destined to be loners or rarely paired up in a big tank.


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Sep 1, 2017
Wow I never thought a blood parrot could be so aggressive. I had her for about 2 years and she started this up about a couple of months ago. She used to live in the community tank with the same red peacock, a male blood parrot and a stunted growth Oscar (I didn't stunt it, it was already like that). She used to live peacefully but then the male bp had died and she just went crazy!