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Monster Fish! Golden Dorado, Goonch Cats & MORE!


Peacock Bass
Community Vendor
MFK Member
Goonch Catfish(Bagarius yarrelli)
3"-4" $65.oo Ea.
7” $200.oo Ea.
Golden Dorado(Salminus brasiliensis)
2”-3” $65.oo Ea.
Redtail Barracuda(Acestrorhynchus falcatus)
6” $85.oo Ea.
True Red Terror(Wild Caught)(Cichlasoma festae)
3" $30.oo Ea.
4"-5" $65.oo Ea.
Black Wolf-fish(Hoplias curupira)
6” $150.oo Ea.
12” $300.oo
Aimara Wolf-fish(Hoplias aimara)
8”-10” $600.oo Ea.
Striped Wallago Catfish(Wallagonia leerii)
12”-14” $125.oo Ea.
Black Piranha(Serrasalmus rhombeus)
-Peru (Gold Diamonds and few regulars)
3”-4” $100.oo Ea.
4”-5” $125.oo Ea.
-Brazil (Rio Xingu)(Mix of regulars and diamonds)
6”-7” $350.oo Ea.
7”-8” $350.oo Ea.
8”-9” $350.oo Ea.
Caribe Piranha(Pygocentrus notatus)
1” $15.oo Ea. Or 10 for $120.oo
Pike Piranha(Serrasalmus elongatus)
6”-8” $125.oo Ea.
-Black Mask
6”-8” $150.oo Ea.
Compressus Piranha(Serrasalmus compressus)
3”-4” $100.oo Ea.
Purple Spilo(Serrasalmus sanchezi)
4”-5” $95.oo Ea.
Red Spilo(Serrasalmus sanchezi)
4”-5” $75.oo Ea.
Violet Line Piranha(Serrasalmus geryi)
7”-8” $350.oo Ea.
Red Belly Piranha(Pygocentrus natteri)
.75”-1” $10.oo Ea. Or 10 for $80.oo
1.5”-2” $15.oo Ea. Or 10 for $120.oo
Electric Eel(Electrophorus electricus)
5.5’-6.0’ $600.oo
Silver Arowana(Osteoglossum bichirrhosum)
5”-6” $60.oo Ea.
Jardini Arowana(Scleropages jardinii)
5”-6” $125.oo Ea.
Motoro Stingray(Potamotrygon motoro)
4”-5” $150.oo Ea.
6”-7” $250.oo Ea.
Hybrid Stingray(Potamotrygon sp.)
4”-5” $200.oo-$350.oo Ea.
6”-7” $550.oo
Apure Jelly Catfish(Cephalosilurus apurensis)
9”-10” $150.oo Ea.
15”-16” $250.oo
Ripsaw Catfish(Oxydoras niger)
3” $45.oo Ea.
4”-5” $65.oo Ea.
20”-22” $300.oo
Duckbill Catfish(Ageneiosus atronasus)
3” $25.oo Ea.
Granulated Catfish(Pterodoras granulosus)
3”-4” $30.oo Ea.
Redtail Catfish(Phractocephalus hemioliopterus)
2”-3” $15.oo Ea.
3”-4” $25.oo Ea.
Marbled Catfish(Leiarus marmoratus)
3” $30.oo Ea.
Tigrinus Catfish(Brachyplatystoma tigrinum)
4”-5” $175.oo Ea.
Jaguar Catfish(Liosomadoras oncinus)
4” $85.oo Ea.
Fu-Man-Chu Catfish(Hemisynodontis membranaceus)
3” $30.oo Ea.
Giraffe Nose(Auchenoglanis occidentalis)
3”-4” $25.oo Ea.
Dwarf Giraffe Catfish(Anaspidoglanis macrostoma)
4”-5” $30.oo Ea.
Gulper Catfish(Asterophysus batrachus)
5”-6” $65.oo Ea.
Jurense Catfish(Brachyplatystoma jurense)
4”-5” $65.oo Ea.
Bleekers Sheetfish(Phalacranotus bleekeri)
8” $35.oo Ea.
NGT Datnoid(Datnoides campbelli)
9” $400.oo
Vampire Tetra(Hydrolycus scomberoides)
3”-4” $60.oo Ea.
Royal Clown knife-fish(Chitala blanci)
5”-6” $50.oo Ea.
Reticulated knife-fish(Papyrocranus afer)
10” $75.oo Ea.
Congo Bichir(Polypterus congicus)
8”-9” $175.oo Ea.
Fahaka Puffer(Tetraodon lineatus)
3.5”-4” $65.oo Ea.
Atlantic Tarpon(Megalops atlanticus)
3”-4” $35.oo Ea.
How much would shipping be to 31831?
Since my posts are still being monitored..... I’ll say what I’m wanting since I don’t want to have to have wait to have another post monitored if the shipping is dependent on size of fish.
I’m interested in the Ageneiosus atronasus
There are two main basic differences haha.. Megalops atlanticus is from the Atlantic ocean to where as Megalops cyprinoides is from the Indo-Pacific ocean regions. Atlanticus also gets about 5 feet usually but I know they have been recorded as long as 8 feet and cyprinoides will get about 24" in freshwater usually but I think ive seen a little bigger as well. Other than that though not the easiest question haha there are things that I have noticed working with them the pacific tarpon seem to have slightly larger eyes both seem equally as far from the mouth, as well pacific tarpon seem to have more of a downward pointing mouth (the most downward upward can be hahamore of a point?) to where atlantic tarpon seem to look have a more upward(upward) facing mouth. but I would just always go by location of collection haha always 100% accurate
Since my posts are still being monitored..... I’ll say what I’m wanting since I don’t want to have to have wait to have another post monitored if the shipping is dependent on size of fish.
I’m interested in the Ageneiosus atronasus
shot you a message
I’m not allowed to use my pm’s since I’m on probation :/.
You could text/call me at 7064574588. I prefer texting to calling.
Great list.