Ultimate DIY Fish Room - Nearly 100K Gallons in Total!

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Aug 7, 2015
Sounds amazing, but I think even with the new plan it still sounds like a fulltime job to upkeep that many big tanks/pond. I would also encourage you to reevaluate your stock lists - maybe I am misreading what fish you plan to have together but some seem really random or outright incompatible. Think through if you could only have 10 species which ones would you absolutely want to have... When I am looking at my tanks I love all my fish, but when I am away I can think of the species I really wouldn't want to do without.

Maybe try to think of a theme for each tank so they don't just look like random fish thrown together, maybe large groups of "smaller" fish and then a few show specimens in each big tank... or just something that ties them together... maybe even consider from an aquascaping perspective, because many giant tanks are kind of ugly, even though they have amazing fish. I guess just try to think what fish really have staying power for you, and then your tanks will be more focused.

Post pics of your 1000g aquarium! That is no small tank itself, and if you post pics people will be less likely to think you are trolling or being wildly unrealistic (because even your modified plan does sound a little fabulous!)
Don't have the 1000 gallon yet, and I recently sold off the 1,200 gallon. Have a guy holding my stock in an intex pool for now until I rebuild. I did go with your advice (massive thanks!) and thin it down to something more manageable. New tanks are:

-12x10x6 monster tank ~ 5000 gallons (old stock from the 1,200 and new stock from the other 1,200 I was going to build) - gars, cichlids, pbass, pacu, eels, silver dollars, dats, cats, aros, polypterus, loaches, payara, knives, rays, dorado, tigerfish, and FRT
-20x10x4-5 outdoor covered pond ~6,750 gallons - arapaima, RTC, RTC/TSN hybrid, probably a school of 4 pbass and 4 oscars, along with something like chubs, tilapia, minnows, etc for fillers - bogs on side with plants for extra filtration and housing platies, guppies, etc
-16x4x4 monster tank ~ 1,900 gallons - catfish, cichlids, aro
A few tanks plumbed into the 1,900 to boost its volume:
-400 gallon w South American lungfishes
-80 gallon w Flowerhorn
-55 gallon w Electric catfish

And then the stuff I already have, plus a shark tank and a ray tank

Ray tank will be outdoors probably to replace all of my massive shark tank plans, and go with something I could likely DIY. Planning on a touch-tank style pool to maybe house some bonnetheads in there too.


MFK Member
Jun 12, 2008
That thinning down is a lot better plan.

I had a 300 gallon and then maybe 2 growout tanks for a long time. I had a lot of fun with them.

Now I have about 40 tanks more .. none monster sized, and the focus is more on breeding.
SAd thing is though that I now seldom enjoy the 300 gallon.. It's more about just feeding, maintenance, then going to the basement to spend about an hour a day on the other tanks.
I kind of miss spending that time sitting on the couch, enjoying the 300 g.

So the point is.. if you had a lot of huge display tanks (as your orginal plan), you'd probably enjoy them less. I don't regret what I did, but there's only so much time in the day.

And I"m glad you removed those huge tubs you had on your list earlier.. Tubs are nice bang for the buck, but when I had some tubs inside (was meant to be temporary, but lasted about 8 months), it degraded to just tossing food in there once a day, as I had a hard time seeing what I had in there (small fish)


MFK Member
May 24, 2011
Kent UK
place pics of your current tanks and stock please, finding it hard to tank this seriously after reading through all your started threads, a few months back you was asking what you could keep with a birchir in a 55g, all your other threads are about plans for massive dream tanks... smells a bit fishy to me... lol.


Aug 7, 2015
angels pic mfk.jpg datnoid pic mfk.JPG monster tank pic mfk.jpg
These are pics of a few new angels I picked up 2 weeks ago for my 46 bowfront (all of mine died around 3 weeks ago, something weird hit them - no meds did anything with them so I restarted the tank, added in some established stuff, and I'm slowly restocking it)
There's an older pic of my dat when he was in quarantine (this was probably 2 months ago)
The monster 1,200 gallon how it was set up a while ago (maaybe 2 or 3 months as well - lots of fish have been removed and/or changed and will be moved into a 5000 gallon soon when this room is built)
A pair of my oscars, nothing special. Both females I believe, because they have never spawned. They could both be males though but they aren't really aggressive towards one another so they're more likely females.

oscar pic mfk.jpg


Aug 7, 2015
He actually took up a habit of eating silver dollars so he had to be given away, I could probably contact my friend to see how he's doing. But he was probably 4 foot long and thickness was between a coke can ad an old coke bottle at the thickest part. To pretty thick lol
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