Natural Plants in the Oscar Tank

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Dec 23, 2018
Salem, Oregon. USA
So, im using big natural rocks as decor in my tank. i washed them thoroughly with hydrogen peroxide, and then rinsed them and dried them before placing them in the tank. I've been using them for a few weeks now and i havent had any problems. But there is one thing. Moss started to grow two of the rocks. (there are a total of four rocks).

My first reaction/thought was that this was a good thing. It's pointless to try to have a planted tank cause the oscars will just eat the plants. But plants help oxiginate water and also help with the nitrogen cycle by helping get rid of nitrates a little bit. So the moss is real plants that i dont have to care for and most likely, it will survive living with the oscars because theyre growing in the rocks.

But i still just want to double check, is it safe for the moss to be growing on the rock tank decor? I have two oscars and one eclipse -aka sun- catfish (so far. i plan on adding another eclipse and two plecos). All fish are really young and small, so I just want to check to make sure that the moss is not posing a threat to my fish at all.
I believe what you mean by moss, is algae, and I like it, and try to keep it going in my tanks. Much of the time in nature it is the most abundant aquatic plant in many places.

In the Cenotes in Mexico (2 videos below), other than marginals (semi-aquatic) and the water lilies algae is most abundant plant.
Azul imovie edit
Aktun Ha
Below some photos below water of a tributary of the Magdalena river on Colombia S America
I have oscars in planted tanks. Haven't had too many issues. Would reccomend sturdy plants for sure but mine don't mangle the more delicate stuff too badly.

He didn't pull up that water lilly thats just something I threw in while I was moving some things around. This is a 125. I have anubia, amazon sword, and crypts in here. There are bennifits to keeping live plants, even with oscars.
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I have oscars in planted tanks. Haven't had too many issues. Would reccomend sturdy plants for sure but mine don't mangle the more delicate stuff too badly.

View attachment 1353266
He didn't pull up that water lilly thats just something I threw in while I was moving some things around. This is a 125. I have anubia, amazon sword, and crypts in here. There are bennifits to keeping live plants, even with oscars.

thats a beautiful tank setup.
This is mostly all the algae that’s growing on the rocks. If this is good, then I’m kinda excited cause i think it’s cool that I have this growing even though I never intended it too. And as long as it doesn’t grow on the walls of the tank, I’m cool with that

Oh it'll grow on every wet surface exposed to light. Scrubie on the glass once a week keeps it in check. I let it grow on the back wall if the BNs will let it. Its just another part of a balanced tank.
I have oscars in planted tanks. Haven't had too many issues. Would reccomend sturdy plants for sure but mine don't mangle the more delicate stuff too badly.

View attachment 1353266
He didn't pull up that water lilly thats just something I threw in while I was moving some things around. This is a 125. I have anubia, amazon sword, and crypts in here. There are bennifits to keeping live plants, even with oscars.
I think you are very lucky! I have not been able to keep live plants (that look good, at least) in Oscar tanks. When they get big and ornery they always charge at them, tear them up, etc. for me. Most cichlids, I am able to keep some plants like anubias and cryptocorynes with. My Oscars in the past, have pretty much been the exception.
I think you are very lucky! I have not been able to keep live plants (that look good, at least) in Oscar tanks. When they get big and ornery they always charge at them, tear them up, etc. for me. Most cichlids, I am able to keep some plants like anubias and cryptocorynes with. My Oscars in the past, have pretty much been the exception.
Maybe a combo of personality and I give them something different to play with every day? They seem less intrested in plants when they are trying to figure out how to get at a crayfish in a plastic mouse ball. Not sure that I'm doing anything "right". I just experiment alot.
Maybe a combo of personality and I give them something different to play with every day? They seem less intrested in plants when they are trying to figure out how to get at a crayfish in a plastic mouse ball. Not sure that I'm doing anything "right". I just experiment alot.

You can also stuff those rubber Holee Roller balls for cats and small dogs with treats. They can pick those up, roll them around or try to get at goodies hidden inside. The Oscar trio frequently squabbles over who gets to play with it. I wonder if toys might be just the ticket for getting some anubias, Windelov Java fern and cryptocornes to make it.

It's a double-edged sword though. My Red Texas cichlid hurls his ball at the tank lid to wake me up so I will pay attention to him. Blergh.
You can also stuff those rubber Holee Roller balls for cats and small dogs with treats. They can pick those up, roll them around or try to get at goodies hidden inside. The Oscar trio frequently squabbles over who gets to play with it. I wonder if toys might be just the ticket for getting some anubias, Windelov Java fern and cryptocornes to make it.

It's a double-edged sword though. My Red Texas cichlid hurls his ball at the tank lid to wake me up so I will pay attention to him. Blergh.
Toni has as stone sphere she like to knock around. Its too big for her to pick it up but she does smack it against the tank when she wants something. She has a pingpong ball the she will knock out of the tank if my husband is standing there.

For what ever reason, she doesn't seem to like him. She won't eat anything he drops and if he puts his hands in the tank she puts her war face on lol