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How many Bichirs could I have in a 150 gallon?


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Hello all!
I have a fully cycled 150 gallon tank with 4 angels and 5 clown loaches. I have a BGK and will be getting some Bichirs, so here is my question. How many Bichirs could I get and not be pushing an unhealthy stocking level? Only upper jaws. Nothing huge. I have a sponge filter, 575 gph canister and will add a second canister as soon as needed. With current stocking and twice a month water changes I have ammonia at 0, nitrites at 0, and nitrates sitting pretty right around the 5ppm mark. I will have no problem doing more frequent water changes if the need arises. I just love Bichirs and want as many as possible.
Thanks for all the input!
150 gallons = 34,650 cubic inches.
A captive bred sen is usually about 10 inches long and 2 inches thick, or about 30 in^3.
there are 5 Clown loaches, at a full size of 12 in long, 3 in thick, and 5 inches high, 900 in^3.
there are 4 Angelfish, at a full size of 6 in long, 1 in thick, and 6 inches high, (body) 144 in^3.
there is 1 BGK, at a full size of 16 in long, 1 in thick, and 5 inches high, (body) 80 in^3.
900 + 144 + 80 = 1124
34,650 - 1124 = 33,526
33,526 / 30 = 1117.5
You can squeeze 1,117 sens in there.
They might be a little uncomfortable, though.
are you considering ornate, teugelsi, or weeksii( the big 3 of the upper jaws)? Otherwise, the upper jaws you get will not grow as big as those 3.

word of warning with the clown loaches: make sure they are large enough so they don't fit in the polys mouth's. You don't want any of your precious polys to try to swallow the barbs.

Don't know if you have any preferences for what type of upper jaws...but would suggest senegals or pollis as @tlindsey stated. Those species are notoriously active. However, delhezis are pretty cool too; they kinda look like a cross between a lower jaw and a weeksii. and I love mokes...oh wait a second, I've named almost all of them.
150g upper jaws would do fine in there.
Hahaha, that's my problem! So many beautiful polypterus to choose from! I would love to have an ornate or two. A Senegal, Delhezi, Buettikoferi, Palmas Palmas, and Ornate are the ones available to me. If it wouldn't be overstocked I would love to have one of each. kno4te said maybe six, so does five or six sound like a good number to all of you? And my loaches are about 2 inches long, but quite fat. The Bichirs would all be around 2-3 at the time of purchase.

are you considering ornate, teugelsi, or weeksii( the big 3 of the upper jaws)? Otherwise, the upper jaws you get will not grow as big as those 3.

word of warning with the clown loaches: make sure they are large enough so they don't fit in the polys mouth's. You don't want any of your precious polys to try to swallow the barbs.

Don't know if you have any preferences for what type of upper jaws...but would suggest senegals or pollis as @tlindsey stated. Those species are notoriously active. However, delhezis are pretty cool too; they kinda look like a cross between a lower jaw and a weeksii. and I love mokes...oh wait a second, I've named almost all of them.
Hahaha, that's my problem! So many beautiful polypterus to choose from! I would love to have an ornate or two. A Senegal, Delhezi, Buettikoferi, Palmas Palmas, and Ornate are the ones available to me. If it wouldn't be overstocked I would love to have one of each. kno4te said maybe six, so does five or six sound like a good number to all of you? And my loaches are about 2 inches long, but quite fat. The Bichirs would all be around 2-3 at the time of purchase.


In my 100 gallon I currently have 12 upperjaws among............. other giants. My tank is overstocked but in the next week or so the stocking will be spreading out between other tanks. In my opinion 6 would easily be fine in there. I'd be worried about the slow growth rate of the clown loaches though